At the Meet & Read you read German books with German natives and talk about them.  Thereby, you will improve your vocabulary and both your reading and listening comprehension as well as your ability to actually speak German.

(Foto: ©



We read books suitable for students of German. There will be vocabulary and grammar explanations, if necessary.

We read aloud. It is everyone’s turn to read out and listen. Like that, you will learn to pronounce words correctly, you will get to know idioms and sayings and learn lots of new vocabulary.
Afterwards, we talk about the book and have a drink together.

It is never to early for your first book in German, so don’t be afraid! 🙂


We offer Meet & Read for all language levels!


Meet & Read for beginners (A1 & A2)

The Meet & Read for beginners (A1 & A2) takes place  at the Edeltraud Club House at Landwehrstr. 44. If you want to come, please reserve here.


Our current book:

Here’s our current text as a free PDF download:

7.9.2022 – text: Wortschatztraining – Meet & Read A1+A2


Our last books:

  • Teufel in Seide (devil in silks) – von Roland Dittrich
  • Ein Hundeleben (a dog’s life) – von Elke Burger und Theo Scherling
  • Das schnelle Glück (the quick fortune) – von Elke Burger und Theo Scherling
  • Sport ist Mord : ein Fußball-Krimi in Hamburg – von Roland Dittrich
  • Schwere Kost – von Elke Burger und Theo Scherling
  • Die Prinzessin – von Elke Burger und Theo Scherling



Meet & Read for intermediates (B1 and higher)

The Meet & read for intermediates (B1 and higher) takes place on Wednesdays at 19:30 at the Edeltraud Club House at Camerloher Str. 56. If you want to come, please reserve here.

You can buy the book we are currently reading.
Or you can get a  photocopy of the current chapters for 1 EUR.

Our current book:

Hochzeit in Jerusalem – von Lena Gorelik

Anja, die russische Jüdin, die seit ihrer Kindheit in Deutschland lebt, fährt mit ihrem Freund Julian nach Israel, um ihm bei dessen Suche nach seinen Wurzeln zu helfen. Konfrontiert wird sie dabei nicht nur mit der Frage, was Jüdischsein in Deutschland heute bedeutet, sondern auch mit ihrer liebenswert-nervigen Familie, die einen guten Vorwand gefunden hat, sich der Reise spontan anzuschließen.


Anja, the Russian Jewess who has been living in Germany since childhood, travels to Israel with her friend Julian to help him find his roots. She is confronted not only with the question of what being Jewish  in Germany means today, but also with her lovable but annoying family, who has found a good excuse to spontaneously join the journey.


Our last books:

A handful of stars is a 1987 novel by Rafik Schami. In diary form, it tells the story of a Damascene baker boy who is on his way to realizing his dream of becoming a journalist. In addition to the usual problems of growing up, censorship in Syria is also discussed.

Meine weissen Nächte – von Lena Gorelik

In ihrem hinreißend komischen, leise melancholischen Debütroman erzählt die in Deutschland lebende Russin Lena Gorelik von den Irrungen und Wirrungen einer jungen Frau, die eigentlich damit ausgelastet wäre, sich zwischen ihrem Freund und ihrem Ex-Freund zu entscheiden – aber immer wieder von ihrer russischen Familie auf den Boden der Tatsachen geholt wird.

Die Känguru-Chroniken – von Marc-Uwe Kling

Bei einem Berliner Kleinkünstler zieht eines Tages ein kommunistisches Känguru ein und bringt sein Leben in Schwung. Die beiden führen mehr oder weniger tiefsinnige Gespräche über Politik, Kapitalismus, Medien und Schnapspralinen – eine sehr witzige Gesellschaftskritik!


If you want to come along, please register here!



Meet & Read for advanced levels

The Meet & Read for advanced levels takes place every second Sunday at the German Brunch Bunch.  If you want to come, please reserve here.

There, we are reading exciting and challenging newspaper reports.

If you want to participate, write us an email and we will bring you a photocopy.


Again, we have picked TWO reportages, and you may vote which one interests you more!

Reportage 1

Reportage 2

Please vote here until …:

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Welche Reportage wollt ihr als nächstes lesen? Which reportage do you want to read next?


The complete regular activities of the German Conversation Club can be found here.